Category: SQL Developer

It’s a Wrap: Insights from the SOUG Espresso on Oracle Audit

In my latest SOUG Espresso session, Easy Audit Data Analysis with SQL Developer Reports, I focused on Oracle Unified Audit Analysis. This was an opportunity to share my experience and insights into database security and audit data workflow enhancement. Event Highlights Based on my considerable experience with Oracle databases, I emphasized the critical importance of […]

Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL CodeChecker

A couple of days ago Trivadis released the Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL CodeChecker (tvdcc) as SQL Developer Extension. TVDCC does check the editor content for compliance violations of the Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines Version 2.0. Quote from the blog post of my work colleague: Furthermore McCabe’s cyclomatic complexity, Halstead’s volume, the maintainability index […]