Tag Archives: SOUG

SOUG Day 2019 – Oracle Database in Docker

Today I did have the opportunity to give a presentation on Oracle Database in Docker at the SOUG day in Olten. It was a great opportunity to discuss how Oracle database engineering can be simplified using Docker.

Besides the demo the following topics were discussed:

  • Docker images, container and volumes
  • Requirements to setup Oracle database image
  • Build an Oracle database image
  • Discuss the Dockerfile and build scripts
  • Create database containers
  • Use cases for Oracle database in Docker
  • Demo setup Oracle database with Enterprise User Security and Oracle Unified Directory

Combining docker-compose and custom initialisation scripts allow a various number of use cases for Oracle database in Docker. Rapid deployment of Oracle databases for engineering and testing. But is it also suitable for production environments?

The presentation and information related to event:

Some references and links related to this blog post and the presentation:

SOUG Presentation on DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT

On the 24 of March I’ll have a presentation on Database Audit and DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT at the SOUG SIG Event. The presentation is about 30 minutes and will cover a rough overview of DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT, latest Issues and Bugs as well some Ideas on how audit could be simplified.

Have a look at the SOUG Webpage for a detailed Agenda of the Event and the location. Looking forward to see you there.

I’ll post the presentation on this side right after the presentation.