Category: Good Practice

It’s a Wrap: Insights from the SOUG Espresso on Oracle Audit

In my latest SOUG Espresso session, Easy Audit Data Analysis with SQL Developer Reports, I focused on Oracle Unified Audit Analysis. This was an opportunity to share my experience and insights into database security and audit data workflow enhancement. Event Highlights Based on my considerable experience with Oracle databases, I emphasized the critical importance of […]

Dive into the Latest Enhancements of DBSat 3.1.0

Today, my initial plan was simply to finalize my article on DBSat 3.0.0 for the Oraworld Magazine. However, while checking the links to the DBSat documentation, Oracle Support Notes, and download sources, I discovered that Oracle has, almost simultaneously, released the latest version 3.1.0 of the Oracle Database Security Assessment Tool (DBSAT). Once again, this […]

Easy Audit Data Analysis with SQL Developer Reports

In one of my last blog post SQL Toolbox for simplified Oracle Unified Audit Data Analysis, I introduced a set of scripts designed to streamline Oracle Unified Audit data analysis. These scripts, now available on my GitHub repository oehrlis/oradba, have received positive feedback. Building on that, I’d like to explore an alternative approach to augment […]

Oracle SQLNet Encryption, why is it needed in first place?

I recently wrote a blog post about Oracle SQLNet TLS encryption and how easy it is to configure. See also Oracle SQLNet TLS configuration simplified. This was followed by a short discussion about whether a simple ALTER USER … IDENTIFIED BY is encrypted in a regular connection or not. So let’s validate this by examining […]

Uncover free hand-drawn like sketches for DBAs

As you could see in my blog post as well as presentations of the last months, I use Excalidraw for drawing hand-drawn like diagrams for a while now. A colleague at work made me aware of the tool. A colleague at work made me aware of the tool. And since the first use of Excalidraw, […]

Easy replacement of tnsnames.ora with LDAP Directory Server

The tnsnames.ora is a configuration file for Oracle database respectively Oracle Net Service Names resolution. It contains network service names that are mapped to connection descriptors for the local naming method. With the help of tnsnames.ora Oracle clients respectively the users can easily access Oracle databases. The connection descriptors provides all relevant information like host, […]

A simple Container based Guacamole Setup

Another food blog post? No, of course not. Guacamole in this case does not refer to the avocado-based dip, but to the Apache client less remote desktop gateway. We use this as an alternative access to the OCI based Trivadis LAB environment. We use an automatically configured Guacamole environment with Nginx reverse proxy and Let’s […]

Security Best Practice: Oracle passwords, but secure!

Today I held my presentation about Oracle security best practice “Oracle passwords, but secure!” at the virtual UKOUG event. Unfortunately, this year the beautiful view of Brighton beach and the active exchange with colleagues was missing. Ok, on the other hand I was able to enjoy the first snow in Switzerland with my children. 😊 […]

Oracle Security EUS Snippets – Setup Proxy User Privileges

Since I’m always short of time for a longer blog post, I’ll just try a short one. Intended as a mini-series, I will show different configuration examples for Oracle Enterprise User Security. Today I’ll start with the configuration of EUS based proxy privileges. The environment I use is DOE, my Docker based Oracle Engineering environment. […]