Category: 12R2

Security Best Practice: Oracle passwords, but secure!

Today I held my presentation about Oracle security best practice “Oracle passwords, but secure!” at the virtual UKOUG event. Unfortunately, this year the beautiful view of Brighton beach and the active exchange with colleagues was missing. Ok, on the other hand I was able to enjoy the first snow in Switzerland with my children. 😊 […]

Oracle Security EUS Snippets – Setup Proxy User Privileges

Since I’m always short of time for a longer blog post, I’ll just try a short one. Intended as a mini-series, I will show different configuration examples for Oracle Enterprise User Security. Today I’ll start with the configuration of EUS based proxy privileges. The environment I use is DOE, my Docker based Oracle Engineering environment. […]

PDB Isolation and Security

Today I did have my first presentation at the UKOUG TechFest 2019 in Brighton. Looking back it was a great day with many interesting lectures and good conversations with colleagues and partners. After a long and exhausting day I’ll take a few minutes to sum up my presentation about the PDB isolation and Security. When […]

Oracle Enterprise User Security with multiple ldap.ora

Recently I came across the situation where I have to configure Enterpriser User Security for a database server with multiple databases for different directories. This is quite tricky when using a shared Oracle Home and a central TNS_ADMIN directory for SQLNet configuration. A common TNS_ADMIN also implies the use of only one ldap.ora file. Several […]

Audit Trail cleanup in Oracle Multitenant environments

A crucial aspect of any database audit concept is the management and maintenance of audit trails. Depending on the defined audit policies and the database activity, an audit trail can grow relatively quickly. Oracle Multitenant environments increase the operational effort because the root container and each PDB uses their own audit trail. Ok, for a […]

Oracle CPU / PSU Advisory October 2018

Oracle has recently published the Critical Patch Update Advisory for the October 2018. It’s once more quite a heavy update with not less than 301 security vulnerability fixes across the Oracle products. The Oracle database is relatively prominently represented with 3 security vulnerabilities and a maximal CVSS rating of 9.8. The problem CVE-2018-3259 with such […]

Oracle CPU / PSU Pre-Release Announcement July 2018

Today Oracle has published the Pre-Release Announcement for the July 2018 Critical Patch Update. It’s quite a heavy update with not less than 334 security vulnerability fixes across the Oracle products. The Oracle database is relatively prominently represented with 3 security vulnerabilities and a maximal CVSS rating of 9.8. Of the vulnerabilities is remotely exploitable […]