GDPR and Database Security Speeches

The new EU GDPR and Database Security in general keeps me busy. I’ve updated the list of speeches and events for the next couple of month. It’s an interesting mix between GDPR, Oracle Database Security and MS SQL Server 2016 security. Depending on the feedback of the Call For Papers for the DOAG Conference and the Oracle OpenWorld there will probably be more. But for now I’ll definitely give a full day training on Oracle Database 12c Security at the Education day on DOAG Conference.

Upcoming events

  • Thu

    Titel: Oracle Unified Audit für Multitenant Datenbanken

    Abstract: Oracle Audit ist ein bekannte und bewährte Datenbank Funktionalität. Oder vielleicht doch nicht? Wie sieht Auditing in Kombination mit Oracle Multitenant Datenbanken aus? Funktioniert hier Datenbank und Unified Audit analog zu bestehenden Konfigurationen? Im Rahmen dieses Vortrages wird das Audit im Umfeld von Container Datenbanken genauer untersucht. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, worauf zu achten ist und wie ein Audit Konzept an die neuen Architektur anzupassen ist. Mit Fokus auf die aktuellen Versionen der Oracle Datenbank werden zudem spezifische Probleme und Workarounds im Bereich vom Unified Audit aufgezeigt. Die Präsentation wird durch entsprechende Beispiele und Live-Demos ergänzt.

  • Mon

    Titel: Oracle Cloud deployment with Terraform

    Elevator Pitch: Quickly provisioning of infrastructure resources in the Oracle Cloud? Nothing easier than that with Terraform and the Oracle Terraform Provider. Using a training environment as an example, we show how resources in OCI can be configured and scaled with the Oracle Terraform Provider.

    Description: The Oracle Cloud allows to build and configure various infrastructure resources. But you won't get far by just using "click acrobatics" via Web Console, especially if you want to build several similar and complex environments. A mouse click cannot be saved just like that. Oracle offers several API's to create and manage objects in OCI, e.g. Oracle OCI commandline utility, OCI SDK, Terraform Provider etc. This presentation will explain how to implement Infrastructure as Code in OCI using Terraform and the Oracle Terraform Provider. Using a training environment as an example, it will be shown how to build components with Terraform Server, databases and network components and how to scale them in terms of resources or number.

    The presentation is supplemented by examples and live demos.

  • Tue

    Oracle Cloud deployment mit Terraform

    Security Best Practice: Oracle Passwörter, aber sicher!

  • Wed

    Titel: PDB Security, Isolation and DB Nest 20c

    Elevator Pitch: Lockdown profiles, PDB_OS_CREDENTIALS and other measures have been available since Oracle 12c to increase the security of multitenant DBs. However, these functions cover only part of the measures. Oracle 20c introduced DB Nest, which provides a different approach to security in PDBs.

    Description: Lockdown Profile, PDB_OS_CREDENTIALS and other measures to enhance security and isolation of multitenant databases are available since Oracle 12c. Unfortunately only a part of the desired measures can be technically implemented. With the latest release of Oracle 20c a new features called DB Nest has been introduced. DB Nest introduced an other approach to security in PDBs. In this presentation we will discuss the new approach and its possibilities to increase database security of PDBs. The presentation will be completed by corresponding examples and live demos.

    Notes: Based on the experiences from a private cloud project, we show how to implement PDB security and isolation for Oracle multitenant databases on premises and in the cloud. This covers existing security features but also new functions like DB nest. The presentation will be completed by corresponding examples and live demos.

  • Sun

    Titel: Security Best Practice: Oracle passwords, but secure!

    Elevator Pitch:  Authentication is an integral part of security. If authentication or passwords are insufficient, all further security measures are obsolete. But how do you ensure that passwords are complex? We will explain the different password hashes and show how to make sure authentication is secure.

    Description: Authentication is an integral part of database security. If authentication or passwords are insufficient or inadequate, all further security measures are generally useless. But how do you ensure that passwords are complex and authentication is secure? In this presentation, the password hashes will be explained and it will be shown how to make sure passwords and authentication are state of the art. Focusing on the current versions of the Oracle database, the following topics will be discussed:

    – Oracle database authentication

    – Password verification and hashes

    – Where can I find password hashes?

    – Check and password hashes.

    – Discussion of various risks related to authentication.

    – Discussion of password policies and strong passwords.

    – Customer Use Case in the DB Vault environment "ups we have forgotten the passwords".

    The presentation will be supplemented by corresponding examples and live demos.

Have you missed an event? In this case check out the download page or blog post categorized with speaking. If possible, I’ll provide all information online?