GDPR and Database Security Speeches

The new EU GDPR and Database Security in general keeps me busy. I’ve updated the list of speeches and events for the next couple of month. It’s an interesting mix between GDPR, Oracle Database Security and MS SQL Server 2016 security. Depending on the feedback of the Call For Papers for the DOAG Conference and the Oracle OpenWorld there will probably be more. But for now I’ll definitely give a full day training on Oracle Database 12c Security at the Education day on DOAG Conference.

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Event Information:

  • Tue

    SOUG Day August 2019


    This year's summer SOUG Day will take place on 27 August in Baden. I am attending the event with a lecture about PDB isolation and security.

    Short abstract: The same principles and measures of database security can be implemented in container databases as in normal single-tenant environments. However, if the container databases are to be used securely by various tenants with more or less high system privileges, additional security measures are required. Especially if access to the operating system is granted directly or indirectly with JVM, external tables, scheduler jobs or directories. The aim of this presentation is to evaluate database security in the focus of container databases and to discuss appropriate measures. This includes the use of lockdown profiles, PDB_OS_CREDENTIALS and various other measures and features. Where useful, the presentation is complemented by appropriate examples and demos. As far as possible, it is also shown how Oracle handles these problems in its cloud solutions (e.g. Autonomous Database).

    More information about the agenda and registration will be available on the SOUG website

    Have a look at the SOUG SOUG Day August 2019 for a detailed agenda of the event and the registration. Looking forward to see you there.

Have you missed an event? In this case check out the download page or blog post categorized with speaking. If possible, I’ll provide all information online?