GDPR and Database Security Speeches

The new EU GDPR and Database Security in general keeps me busy. I’ve updated the list of speeches and events for the next couple of month. It’s an interesting mix between GDPR, Oracle Database Security and MS SQL Server 2016 security. Depending on the feedback of the Call For Papers for the DOAG Conference and the Oracle OpenWorld there will probably be more. But for now I’ll definitely give a full day training on Oracle Database 12c Security at the Education day on DOAG Conference.

Upcoming events

Event Information:

  • Tue

    DOAG 2021 Konferenz


    The DOAG 2021 Conference + Exhibition will take place from November 16-18, 2021 as a moderated online conference. Ticket sales have started!


    My Speeches

    Ready, set, go - DB Sec LAB in 5min 

    Elevator Pitch: Always having a lab environment at hand to test the latest security features is not easy. Especially when additional infrastructure components like MS AD are needed. We show a few approaches based on IaC, cloud, containers and more.

    Description: There is always the problem to analyze or the new feature you want to test briefly. But often you lack a corresponding LAB environment.In this presentation, we will show how you can use Infrastructure as Code and Terraform, Vagrant or Docker to quickly and easily create corresponding LAB environments. In doing so, we will show how to create configurations in OCI and on-premises, depending on the use case. Terraform modules, Vagrant configuration, Docker containers as well as a collection of scripts provide the basics to deploy corresponding resources. Enough material to implement your own ideas. The presentation will be complemented by corresponding demos and examples.

    Schedule: Wednesday 17.11.2021, 08:00 - 08:40

    Oracle Database Vault - Protection from Thieves, Snakes,...  

    Elevator Pitch: Oracle DB Vault has been around for a while. What can it be used to take DB security to the next level? How does it fix in an Enterprise Security Architecture. Let’s have a close look into the latest features and possible use cases.

    Description: Oracle Database Vault has been on the market for a few years now. The product has been constantly improved over the years. But where is it worthwhile to use it? Which security measures can be implemented with it? And from whom does DB Vault protect me at all? In this presentation, the technical possibilities of Database Vault 19c / 21c will be explained in addition to the experiences from two customer projects. We will try to show where the use of Database Vault is worthwhile under certain circumstances and under which conditions it is not. This also includes whether protection against snakes and thieves is ensured. PS: I asked my children what kind of presentation I should submit.The answers were snakes, thieves and cheetahs…

    Schedule: Wednesday 17.11.2021, 11:00 - 11:40

Have you missed an event? In this case check out the download page or blog post categorized with speaking. If possible, I’ll provide all information online?