SQL Toolbox for simplified Oracle Unified Audit Data Analysis

On my journey through the area of database security, Oracle Unified Audit has been a constant companion. I not only created audit concepts, but also often had the opportunity to implement them. Besides the configuration, the administration and evaluation of the audit data was always part of it. Occasionally I used scripts for this. However, I often evaluated the audit data ad hoc. There are only a handful of data dictionary views that have to be taken into account. So that was usually enough. Nevertheless, creating a collection of scripts for Unified Audit has been on my bucket list for a long time. At least until today. I finally found the time to put together a small toolbox of scripts, which I would like to show you in this blog post.

The scripts for the database audit are among others part of my GitHub repository oehrlis/oradba and are available to everyone. You are welcome to share them, use them, improve them or just like them.

What is currently covered by my scripts for Oracle Unified Audit?

  • Configuration of the audit infrastructure, i.e. tablespace, housekeeping jobs, etc.
  • Information on audit trails and storage usage
  • Administration of audit policies. This includes the creation, deletion, activation and display of policies.
  • Assessment of the unified audit trail showing various top events, e.g. policy, user, objects, etc.
  • Overview of the audit session and analysis of the statements per session

Current list of scripts

The following SQL scripts are currently available for the assessment of Oracle Unified Audit data. Further information on the scripts can be found in the comments of the file headers.

saua_info.sqlShow information about the audit trails
daua_pol.sqlDisable all audit policies and drop all non-Oracle maintained policies
cdua_init.sqlInitialize Audit environment (create tablespace, reorganize tables, create jobs)
caua_pol.sqlCreate custom local audit policies policies
iaua_pol.sqlInitialize / Enable custom local audit policies policies
saua_pol.sqlShow local audit policies policies. A join of the views AUDIT_UNIFIED_POLICIES and AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES
saua_teact.sqlShow top unified audit events by action for current DBID
saua_tecli.sqlShow top unified audit events by client_program_name for current DBID
saua_tedbid.sqlShow top unified audit events by DBID
saua_teusr.sqlShow top unified audit events by dbusername for current DBID
saua_teobj.sqlShow top unified audit events by object_name for current DBID
saua_teobjusr.sqlShow top unified audit events by Object Name without Oracle maintained schemas for current DBID
saua_teown.sqlShow top unified audit events by object_schema for current DBID
saua_teosusr.sqlShow top unified audit events by os_username for current DBID
saua_tepol.sqlShow top unified audit events by unified_audit_policies for current DBID
saua_tepoldet.sqlShow top unified audit events by unified_audit_policies, dbusername, action for current DBID
saua_tehost.sqlShow top unified audit events by userhost for current DBID
saua_asdbv.sqlShow audit sessions for audit type Database Vault
saua_asdp.sqlShow audit sessions for audit type Datapump
saua_asfga.sqlShow audit sessions for audit type Fine Grained Audit
saua_asbck.sqlShow audit sessions for audit type RMAN
saua_asstd.sqlShow audit sessions for audit type Standard
saua_as.sqlShow audit sessions for audit any type
saua_asdet.sqlShow entries of a particular audit session with unified_audit_policies
saua_asdetsql.sqlShow entries of a particular audit session with SQL_TEXT
sdua_usage.sqlShow Unified Audit trail storage usage
saua_tabsize.sqlShow Unified Audit trail table and partition size
sdua_enpolstm.sqlGenerate statements to enable all audit policies as currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES
sdua_crpolstm.sqlGenerate statements to create all audit policies as currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES
sdua_drpolstm.sqlGenerate statements to drop all audit policies as currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES
sdua_dipolstm.sqlGenerate statements to disable all audit policies as currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES
sdua_prgstm.sqlGenerate Unified Audit trail storage purge statements
sdua_stostm.sqlGenerate Unified Audit trail storage usage modification statements
List of SQL Scripts

A few Examples and Use Cases

Overview of Audit Trails saua_info.sql

Some information on the different audit trails and there size. Some data depend on up to date statistics.

Overview of Unified Audit Trail Storage Usage sdua_usage.sql

Summary of various information about the unified audit trail, e.g. number of records, oldest records, size etc. The output is always for the current DBID. If audit records are also available for other DBIDs, they are displayed as foreign DBIDs. These audit data can potentially be deleted. There is also the script saug_tabsize.sql, which displays information about the partitions.

Generate Unified Audit Trail purge statements sdua_prgstm.sql

Generate dbms_audit_mgmt statements based on the current setting / configuration. These statements can be used as a copy template directly or adapted to maintain the audit trail. There is also the script sdua_stostm.sql to create modification statements.

Show local audit policies policies saua_pol.sql

Show current audit policy settings. This script does join the views AUDIT_UNIFIED_POLICIES and AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES. There are also corresponding script to create (caua_pol.sql), drop (daua_pol.sql) and enable/initialize (iaua_pol.sql) the audit policies.

Show Top Audit Events

There are several scripts to show top audit events e.g. by user (saua_teusr.sql), action (saua_teact.sql), policy (saua_tepol.sql), object name (saua_teobj.sql) and more. These script can be used to find the root cause of hig amout of audit data.

Below you see an example for top audit actions.

Audit Session Overview saua_as.sql

Show an overview of audit sessions in the audit trail, where the information is grouped by the session ID. This script also accepts parameters to limit the information based on days or fractions thereof. The following query limits the output to the last 2h. In addition, there are variants of this script that limit the information to the individual audit types, e.g. Datapump (saua_asdp.sql), RMAN (saua_asbck.sql) or Fine Grained Audit (saua_asfga.sql).

Audit Session Details saua_asdet.sql

This script does show all audit records for a specific audit session id. You can see what somebody did during its session. There is also a version of the script (saua_asdetsql.sql) which does show the sql_text. Below we see an example what session ID (scott) has done during its session. This script does also perfectly work for proxy sessions.

Naming Concept

A little confused by the script names? I have tried to somehow bring a bit of order to my scripts in the GitHub repository oehrli/oradba. That is an attempt. But I’m not sure I’ve been successful. Enclosed the information about the different abbreviations and prefixes.

The script names follow the format:


Script Qualifier

The script qualifier is used to determine whether a script is used to read information or to configure, e.g. create, modify, activate, etc.

QualifierStands ForComment
sShowOutput only on screen
dDeleteDelete any objects, configuration etc
iInitializeInitializes or enable a configuration
cCreateCreate any objects, configuration etc.
uUpdateUpdate any object
gGrantGrants some objects or system privileges
Script Qualifier

Privileges Qualifier

The privilege qualifier is used to determine what privileges are required by a script.

QualifierStands ForComment
sSYSSYS, SYSDBA or Internal
dDBASYSTEM or any other user with DBA role
oOwnerObject owner
pCreateNeeds some special privileges according to the scripts inline comments
aAuditAudit roles like AUDIT_ADMIN or AUDIT_VIEWER
Privileges Qualifier

Topic Qualifier

Topic Qualifier is used to assign the different scripts to a certain topic and thus to be able to sort them better.

QualifierStands ForComment
uaUnified AuditEverything related to Oracle Unified Audit
taTraditional AuditEverything related to Oracle traditional Audit
secSecurityOracle security related stuff
encEncryptionOracle Transparent DataEncryption
aAdminDatabase Administration
Topic Qualifier


This collection of SQL scripts around Oracle Unified Audit is certainly not perfect or conclusive. Nevertheless, it is helpful for the configuration and a first analysis of the audit data in the Unified Audit Trail. As already mentioned, you can find the scripts on GitHub under oehrlis/oradba. I would be happy if you share or like them. Feedback and ideas as comments to this blogpost or better directly as a GitHub issue are very welcome.

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