Oracle SQLNet TLS configuration simplified

Most security measures for Oracle databases are usually aimed at protecting and hardening the database itself. This includes secure configuration, implementation of the least privilege principle, reduction of the attack surface, encryption at REST, database audit and much more. Sometimes, however, it is forgotten that the database also communicates with the outside world. Without additional measures, network access to Oracle databases is always unencrypted. This is due to the standard settings and the fact that network encryption was part of the Advanced Security Option until mid-2012 and therefore subject to licensing. Due to the security vulnerability CVE-2012-1675, the licensing of network encryption was subsequently adjusted. The following information can now be found in all Oracle licence documents under Advanced Security.

Network encryption (native network encryption and SSL/TLS) and strong authentication services (Kerberos, PKI, and RADIUS) are no longer part of Oracle Advanced Security and are available in all licensed editions of all supported releases of the Oracle database.

Oracle® Database Database Licensing Information User Manual 21c Oracle Database Options and Their Permitted Features

Although it has been a decade since the adaptation, in my opinion network encryption is still underused. Its use should be standard nowadays.

You ask yourself why? Have you ever created a user or changed its password? Then you may know this statement.


It is a regular SQL statement that is sent from the client to the server to be parsed and executed. For non-encrypted connections, the statement is sent in plain text and can be viewed by any tracing.

Why Use TLS Encryption with Oracle SQLNet

With Oracle databases, two different methods are available for network encryption:

  • Oracle Native Network Encryption Standard network encryption is based on symmetric encryption with AES or other algorithms, whereby the key is negotiated when the connection is established. The configuration is very simple with sqlnet.ora on the database server, optionally also on the client side. In addition, no certificates are required. If required, the encryption can also be combined with the integrity check.
  • Oracle TLS Network Encryption SSL or TLS based Network Security uses a certificate based approach to securely establish a connection between a client and an Oracle Database Server. Similar to what is known from HTTPS. The network encryption and integrity check can be combined with the authentication. The use of certificates, dedicated TCPS port etc. makes the configuration a little more complex. However, it offers additional protection against man-in-the-middle attacks or the possibility of single sing on. Thus it’s configuration can be a bit cumbersome.
Sketch of TLS-based Network Encryption

See also Oracle® Database Security Guide 19c Choosing Between Native Network Encryption and Transport Layer Security for a comparsion of the two methods. In this blog post, however, we will discuss only the simple TLS connection without a client wallet i.e., no client authorisation.

Simplified TLS Configuration Steps

Prepare Software Keystore for TLS

Create a folder in TNS_ADMIN or another location suitable for the software Keystore.

mkdir -p $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet

Create an Oracle software Keystore using orapki. See Oracle® Database Security Guide 19c Appendix F Managing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Elements

orapki wallet create -wallet $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet -pwd <PASSWORD> -auto_login_local

Create a certificate request for the distinguished name of the database server

orapki wallet add -wallet $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet -dn 'CN=db19,dc=trivadislabs,dc=com' -asym_alg RSA -keysize 4096 -pwd <PASSWORD>

Export the certificate request for transfer to the Certification Authority for signing.

orapki wallet export -wallet $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet -dn 'CN=db19,dc=trivadislabs,dc=com' -request $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet/

Windows Certification Authority

Depending on the environment, you can send the certificate request to a certification authority and receive the signed certificate back. This eliminates the steps described in this section. In my lab environment, however, I have to do everything myself. This includes the operation of a Certification Authority. But this runs on my Microsoft Active Directory Server anyway. Please adapt the following steps accordingly to your environment.

Copy the certificate request from the database server to the windows server. Ido have putty configured on my AD Server. This makes it easier to push / pullstuff from respectively to the database server.


The certreq utility will pop up with a list of CA’s. Select the correct one and let the CA create a signed certificate.

We do also require the Root certificate as well any intermediate certificate for
the software Keystore. Below you find the command certutil to export the Root
certificate. This does create binary version of the Root ceritificate and
display the PEM / Base64 format of the certificate. Make sure, to copy the
Base64 information into a test file. In my case I do store it into

C:\>certutil -ca.cert -f %TNS_ADMIN%\
CA cert[0]: 3 -- Valid
CA cert[0]:

CertUtil: -ca.cert command completed successfully.

Copy the Root CA as well the signed certificate back to the db server

pscp.exe %TNS_ADMIN%\ db21:/u01/app/oracle/network/wallet/
pscp.exe %TNS_ADMIN%\ db21:/u01/app/oracle/network/wallet/

Finalize Software Keystore

Back on the linux environment we first verify the certificates using openssl.

openssl verify -CAfile $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet/ $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet/

Add the trusted certificate from Active Directory to the software keystore.

orapki wallet add -wallet $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet -trusted_cert -cert $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet/ -pwd <PASSWORD>

Add the signed user certificate from Active Directory to the software keystore.

orapki wallet add -wallet $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet -user_cert -cert $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet/ -pwd <PASSWORD>

Show certificates in keystore.

orapki wallet display -wallet $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet
oracle@db19:~/ [rdbms19] orapki wallet display -wallet $ORACLE_BASE/network/wallet

Oracle PKI Tool Release - Production
Copyright (c) 2004, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Requested Certificates: 
User Certificates:
Subject:        CN=db19,DC=trivadislabs,DC=com
Trusted Certificates: 
Subject:        CN=Trivadis LAB Enterprise Root CA,DC=trivadislabs,DC=com

Configuration of sqlnet.ora

We update the sqlnet.ora file to cover the new wallet and set the SSL / TLS configuration. Just add / update the following parameter.

  • SSL_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION Parameter to specify whether a client is authenticated using Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • SQLNET.IGNORE_ANO_ENCRYPTION_FOR_TCPS This parameter is used on the server-side to ignore the value set in SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_SERVER for TCPS connections (effectively disabling ANO encryption on the TCPS listener).
  • SSL_VERSION Used to define valid Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions to be used for connections.
  • SSL_CIPHER_SUITES Parameter to control the combination of authentication, encryption, and data integrity algorithms used by Transport Layer Security (TLS).
  • WALLET_LOCATION Use the sqlnet.ora parameter WALLET_LOCATION to specify the location of Oracle wallets.

More information about the sqlnet.ora parameter can be found in Oracle® Database Database Net Services Reference 19c chapter 5 Parameters for the sqlnet.ora File. Below you find an example of our sqlnet.or configuration.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# SSL/TLS Configuration for SQLNet
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

The sqlnet.ora file must be adapted on both the client and the server. On the database server, the sqlnet.ora applies to both.

Configuration of listener.ora

As is known from HTTP and HTTPS, a separate port must also be configured for SQLNet with TLS. This is done with the help of the listener.ora file. To do this example, we simply extend the default listener with an additional port for TCPS.

vi $TNS_ADMIN/listener.ora
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP ) (HOST = db19 ) (PORT = 1521 ))
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCPS ) (HOST = db19 ) (PORT = 1522 ))

In addition, we add the SSL / TLS configuration to the listener.ora file.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# SSL/TLS configuration
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

On my environment I do have a firewall running. Therefor we have to open the new port for TCPS.

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=1522/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=1522/tcp --permanent
sudo systemctl restart firewalld
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all

Finally, we restart the listener to activate the changes.

lsnrctl stop
lsnrctl start

Lets use openssl to verify the port and certificate.

openssl s_client -connect

Configuration of tnsnames.ora

Last but not least, the corresponding entries in tnsnames.ora must be defined for the connection via the new port. Enclosed is the example of the connection strings for the database TDB01 with and without TLS.

Connection Tests

Simple test with SQLPlus and a connection to the regular TCP port.

oracle@db19:~/ [rdbms19] sqlplus system@TDB01

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Sep 8 14:15:44 2023

Copyright (c) 1982, 2022, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter password: 
Last Successful login time: Thu Sep 07 2023 10:22:42 +02:00

Connected to:
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production


Checking the USERENV context for the network protocol to see if we do use TCP or TCPS.

SQL> SELECT sys_context('userenv','network_protocol') FROM dual;


And the same connecting the TCPS port.

oracle@db19:~/ [rdbms19] sqlplus system@TDB01_TLS

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Sep 8 14:18:35 2023

Copyright (c) 1982, 2022, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter password: 
Last Successful login time: Fri Sep 08 2023 14:15:47 +02:00

Connected to:
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production


Checking the USERENV context for the network protocol to see if we do use TCP or TCPS.

SQL> SELECT sys_context('userenv','network_protocol') FROM dual;


We do see, that we now have the TCPS protocol in use.


If you leave out authentication, configuring TLS network security for Oracle databases is not that difficult. Of course, there is still the effort of managing the certificates and especially their validity period accordingly. Nevertheless, the effort is worth it when security requirements are increased. As a good practice I try to implement the following priorities:

  1. As a standard, configure the Oracle native network encryption with at least REQUESTED. Idealy combined with integrity check also set to REQUESTED.
  2. Enforcing the network encryption by setting it on the Database Server to REQUIRED.
  3. Implement TLS based network security to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks.
  4. Consider the use of strong authentication i.e. Kerberos or TLS based authentication.

References and Further Reading

A few links and references to relevant documentation, blog posts and other external resources for further reading.

3 thoughts on “Oracle SQLNet TLS configuration simplified

  1. Stefan Post author

    Not that I know of. Last time I’ve checked with an early 12c and 11g versions and Wrireshark, at least it still was. ALTER USER is an SQL statement, so it is parsed and executed on the server. Password changes with the PASSWORD command are encrypted using the OCI library on the client with the session key and thus the transfer is encrypted as well.
    I am currently abroad. I will do a test with the latest versions and publish it here later.

  2. Stefan Post author


    I’ve created a short blog post about this question. See It is a fact that in unencrypted connections SQL statements and their parameters are not encrypted. Thus, an ALTER USER … IDENTIFIED BY is not encrypted either. Passwords are therefore visible. However, it is important that the passwords entered at login are always encrypted with the session key. This is also true if you change passwords using the corresponding functions from the OCI library, e.g. the Password command in SQLPlus.

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